Will eventually implement all of the FatSecret API.
You must set the following environment variables in order to access the FatSecret API...
Use the 'fatsecret_client' cli application as a working example...
$ go run cmd/fatsecret_client/main.go
Use the 'fs2json' cli tool to invoke FatSecret API calls and dump the JSON response...
# search for coffee
$ go run cmd/fs2json/main.go -method foods.search -params search_expression=coffee | jq .
# list the food categories
$ go run cmd/fs2json/main.go -method food_categories.get
# list the food sub-categories for a category
$ go run cmd/fs2json/main.go -method food_sub_categories.get -params food_category_id=16 | jq .
# list the brands for a brand-type
$ go run cmd/fs2json/main.go -method food_brands.get -params brand_type=manufacturer | jq .
# auto-complete
$ go run cmd/fs2json/main.go -method foods.autocomplete -params expression=chic | jq .
# find food-id by barcode
$ go run cmd/fs2json/main.go -method food.find_id_for_barcode -params barcode=0748927052688 | jq .
# get food info by id
$ go run cmd/fs2json/main.go -method food.get -params food_id=2415647 | jq .
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