Easily create reports with custom SQL queries and display them using the magento admin grid or using Google Charts API.
- Report result table
- Ability to define column configuration or allow auto configuration.
- The following Google Charts are currently supported, please see the examples:
- Pie Chart
- Bar Chart
- Column Chart
- Calendar Chart
- When querying for the date, you must query the date using UNIX_TIMESTAMP() like the following:
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date([[date field]]))
- When querying for the date, you must query the date using UNIX_TIMESTAMP() like the following:
- Control access to viewing, editing, and creation of reports in Magento ACL list.
- Cache results in dynamically created tables for performance and historical reasons.
- Select separate database connection to run queries against
- Fix the calendar chart to support more than 1 year.
- Add logic to prepare data for specific chart types.
- Wrapping the json results for web service consumption.
- Add the sample reports
- New Customers (Calendar Chart)
- Order Status (Pie Chart)
- Order Status By Month (Stacked column chart)
- Sales by Month (Bar Chart)
- Sales By Day (Calendar Chart)
- Sales by Month (Column Chart)
- Add ability to select database resource per report (?)
- Allan MacGregor
- Fabrizio Branca
- Kalen Jordan
- Lee Saferite
- Tom Steigerwald
- Rolando Granadino
- Cyrill Schumacher
- Calendar Chart only supports one year.
- Use at your own risk.
- This is a developer tool.
- We know you can drop tables.