- Authors: Michael Boyd, Darrell O'Donnell
- Status: PROPOSED
- Since: YYYY-MM-DD (date you submit your PR)
- Status Note: (explanation of current status)
- Supersedes: (link to anything this ToIP Deliverable supersedes)
- Start Date: YYYY-MM-DD (date you started working on this idea)
- Tags: (see Tag Options
In most real-world credential exchange scenarios, a credential holder or verifier has the question “How do I know the issuer of this credential is trustworthy?”.
Credential holders may also be uneasy about sharing information with a verifier if trust in the verifier has not been established.
These problems can be solved by having a Governance Authority vouch for the trustworthiness of a credential exchange participant.
A trust registry is a list of authorized issuers and verifiers in the ecosystem and the types of credentials and passes they are authorized to issue and verify.
This repo manages the development and maintenance of the subject ToIP deliverable. It contains the tools necessary to generate multiple renderings formats.
- Interactive Online Website: GitHub Pages
- Printable Documents
Documentation and Specification contributors should familiarize themselves with the Authoring Process. <-- TODO: fix broken link with right repo name once contributed
Local running instructions:
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdocs serve
Local deploy instructions:
mkdocs gh-deploy --site-dir html
//todo: make github actions and get docker working...
Copyright mode:
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
- Patent mode: W3C Mode (based on the W3C Patent Policy).
- Source code: Apache 2.0, available at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. The Trust Registry TF is not expected to produce source code beyond a Swagger API specification.