Fast alternative to Get-Content ####SYNOPSIS Fast alternative to Get-Content ####DESCRIPTION Get-Content is a slow, but powerful cmdlet. Get-ContentFast is a faster alternative with much of the same functionality. Get-ContentFast is limited to only reading text files.
####PARAMETER Path Specify the path to the file you want to read. Pipeline or array input is accepted.
####PARAMETER FullName Pipe the file name for the file you want to read from Get-ChildItem or Get-ItemProperty
####PARAMETER Raw Ignores newline characters and returns the entire contents of a file in one string. By default, the contents of a file is returned as a array of strings that is delimited by the newline character.
####PARAMETER TotalCount Gets the specified number of lines from the beginning of a file. Default is all lines.
####PARAMETER Tail Gets the specified number of lines from the end of a file.
####INPUTS [String] [System.IO.FileInfo] ####OUTPUTS [String] [String[]] ####EXAMPLE Get-ContentFast -Path .\test.txt
Read the file test.txt
####EXAMPLE Get-ContentFast -Path ".\test.txt",".\test2.txt"
Read both files
####EXAMPLE Get-ContentFast -Path .\test.txt -Raw
Read the entire file and output a single string
####EXAMPLE ".\Test.txt" | Get-ContentFast -Tail 4
Read the Test.txt file and only output the last 4 lines.
####EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem Test.txt | Get-ContentFast -TotalCount 5
Read the Test.txt file and ouput only the first 5 lines
####EXAMPLE Get-ChildItem *.txt | Get-ContentFast -TotalCount 4 -Tail 2
Read all text files in the current directory and output the first 4 lines and the last 2 lines