- Get my list of pokemon showing up on the page
- write your fetch function -- validate with console.log *
- addUseEffect and set state with the response *
- map through your state and display the name *
- build out your PokeCard component -- use static values *
- map through your items and display PokeCard *
- Build out types dropdown
- getTypes from the API *
- call getTypes and set in state *
- make state for selected dropdown *
- make a dropdown with the types and selected dropdown *
- add useEffect to call API when the dropdown changes *
- make a state variable
- make UX to allow user to change that state variable
- add state variable to useEffect dependency array so API is refreshed when state changes
url_image: "http://assets.pokemon.com/assets/cms2/img/pokedex/full/012.png"