ToCS1-ENX 1.2
Changes to main release:
- Add GPU Boost option to Hidden Menu
- Remove option to switch between audio dubs in Hidden Menu (because experiment failed)
- Futureproof new English voice files
Now you can download separately English dubbing. It replaces all Japanese voice files. Also ported lipsync file for English dub from PS4 version.
Because of technical issues I couldn't add new voice files. English Dub was not thoroughly tested.
For game to detect sound files stored in stream folder you must first and foremost add info about them to Sen1Sound.bfsar
files in repo and text
files in repo + release already have info about them). Only public available tool I am aware of which allows that is called "Citric Composer", but it doesn't allow batch importing and editing info about audio files. To do it manually you must spend 5 minutes on each file. Multiply this by ~5000 and you get an idea why this is pointless. I have asked the author of this tool to add option for batch import / editing Sound Streams. But I don't expect this to happen anytime soon, maybe never.
New audio files are still included in package.
Active voices and Battle voices from Sen1Sound.bfsar
I have repacked manually by using Python, Citric Composer was only used to cut unused space.
To install ENG DUB you must first download main release, unpack it to sdcard, then unpack ToCS1-ENX_EngDub
on top of that files, accepting any request for overwriting folder.
If you have already any older version of mod installed, download
and replace files.
Thanks to ~babaros for providing voice audio files converted to format used by this game.