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WeightDecay for L1 norm (FluxML#159)
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* WeightDecay for L1 norm

* better words

* change to lambda alpha, add tests

* change to lambda, add tests

* tweaks

* shashed in October - makes two structs instead

* version with simple SignDecay instead

* change SignDecay penalty to be called kappa

* restore depwarn for WeightDecay, was called gamma

* change kappa back to lambda
  • Loading branch information
mcabbott authored and mashu committed Nov 14, 2024
1 parent f4afc81 commit 2eda773
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Showing 5 changed files with 67 additions and 16 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "Optimisers"
uuid = "3bd65402-5787-11e9-1adc-39752487f4e2"
authors = ["Mike J Innes <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.3.1"
version = "0.3.2"

ChainRulesCore = "d360d2e6-b24c-11e9-a2a3-2a2ae2dbcce4"
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Optimisers.jl
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export destructure
export Descent, Adam, Momentum, Nesterov, Rprop, RMSProp,
AdaGrad, AdaMax, AdaDelta, AMSGrad, NAdam, AdamW, RAdam, OAdam, AdaBelief,
WeightDecay, ClipGrad, ClipNorm, OptimiserChain, Lion,
WeightDecay, SignDecay, ClipGrad, ClipNorm, OptimiserChain, Lion,

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72 changes: 59 additions & 13 deletions src/rules.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ function apply!(o::NAdam, state, x::AbstractArray{T}, dx) where T

AdamW(η = 0.001, β = (0.9, 0.999), γ = 0, ϵ = 1e-8)
AdamW(η = 0.001, β = (0.9, 0.999), λ = 0, ϵ = 1e-8)
[AdamW]( is a variant of Adam fixing (as in repairing) its
weight decay regularization.
Expand All @@ -497,12 +497,12 @@ weight decay regularization.
the weights.
- Decay of momentums (`β::Tuple`): Exponential decay for the first (β1) and the
second (β2) momentum estimate.
- Weight decay (`γ`): Decay applied to weights during optimisation.
- Weight decay (`λ`): Controls the strength of ``L_2`` regularisation.
- Machine epsilon (`ϵ`): Constant to prevent division by zero
(no need to change default)
AdamW= 0.001, β = (0.9, 0.999), γ = 0, ϵ = 1e-8) =
OptimiserChain(Adam(η, β, ϵ), WeightDecay(γ))
AdamW= 0.001, β = (0.9, 0.999), λ = 0, ϵ = 1e-8) =
OptimiserChain(Adam(η, β, ϵ), WeightDecay(λ))

AdaBelief(η = 0.001, β = (0.9, 0.999), ϵ = 1e-16)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -538,35 +538,79 @@ function apply!(o::AdaBelief, state, x::AbstractArray{T}, dx) where T

WeightDecay(γ = 5e-4)
WeightDecay(λ = 5e-4)
Decay weights by ``γ``, that is, add `γ .* x` to the gradient `x̄` which will be
subtracted from `x`.
Implements ``L_2`` regularisation, also known as ridge regression,
when composed with other rules as the first transformation in an [`OptimiserChain`](@ref).
Typically composed with other optimisers as the first transformation in an [`OptimiserChain`](@ref).
This is equivalent to adding ``L_2`` regularization with coefficient ``γ`` to the loss.
It does this by adding `λ .* x` to the gradient. This is equivalent to adding
`λ/2 * sum(abs2, x) == λ/2 * norm(x)^2` to the loss.
See also [`SignDecay`] for ``L_1`` normalisation.
# Parameters
- Weight decay (`γ`): Decay applied to weights during optimisation.
- Penalty (`λ ≥ 0`): Controls the strength of the regularisation.
@def struct WeightDecay <: AbstractRule
gamma = 5e-4
lambda = 5e-4

init(o::WeightDecay, x::AbstractArray) = nothing

function apply!(o::WeightDecay, state, x::AbstractArray{T}, dx) where T
γ = T(o.gamma)
dx′ = @lazy dx + γ * x
λ = T(o.lambda)
dx′ = @lazy dx + λ * x

return state, dx′

function adjust(r::WeightDecay; gamma = nothing, kw...)
if isnothing(gamma)
return _adjust(r, NamedTuple(kw))
Base.depwarn("The strength of WeightDecay is now field :lambda, not :gamma", :adjust, force=true)
nt = (; lambda = gamma, NamedTuple(kw)...)
return _adjust(r, nt)

SignDecay(λ = 1e-3)
Implements ``L_1`` regularisation, also known as LASSO regression,
when composed with other rules as the first transformation in an [`OptimiserChain`](@ref).
It does this by adding `λ .* sign(x)` to the gradient. This is equivalent to adding
`λ * sum(abs, x) == λ * norm(x, 1)` to the loss.
See also [`WeightDecay`] for ``L_2`` normalisation.
They can be used together: `OptimiserChain(SignDecay(0.012), WeightDecay(0.034), Adam())`
is equivalent to adding `0.012 * norm(x, 1) + 0.017 * norm(x, 2)^2` to the loss function.
# Parameters
- Penalty (`λ ≥ 0`): Controls the strength of the regularisation.
@def struct SignDecay <: AbstractRule
lambda = 1e-3

init(o::SignDecay, x::AbstractArray) = nothing

function apply!(o::SignDecay, state, x::AbstractArray{T}, dx) where T
λ = T(o.lambda)
dx′ = @lazy dx + λ * sign(x)

return state, dx′

ClipGrad(δ = 10)
Restricts every gradient component to obey `-δ ≤ dx[i] ≤ δ`.
Typically composed with other rules using [`OptimiserChain`](@ref).
See also [`ClipNorm`](@ref).
@def struct ClipGrad <: AbstractRule
Expand All @@ -591,6 +635,8 @@ to stay at this threshold (unless `p==0`).
Throws an error if the norm is infinite or `NaN`,
which you can turn off with `throw = false`.
Typically composed with other rules using [`OptimiserChain`](@ref).
See also [`ClipGrad`](@ref).
struct ClipNorm <: AbstractRule
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/rules.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ RULES = [
AdaGrad(), AdaMax(), AdaDelta(), AMSGrad(), NAdam(),
AdamW(), RAdam(), OAdam(), AdaBelief(), Lion(),
# A few chained combinations:
OptimiserChain(WeightDecay(), Adam(0.001)),
OptimiserChain(SignDecay(0.001), Adam(0.001)),
OptimiserChain(ClipNorm(), Adam(0.001)),
OptimiserChain(ClipGrad(0.5), Momentum()),
OptimiserChain(WeightDecay(), OAdam(), ClipGrad(1)),
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ end
@testset "OptimiserChain" begin
x = [1, 10, 100.0]; dx = [1, 2, 3.0];
@test Optimisers.update(Optimisers.setup(WeightDecay(0.1), x), x, dx)[2] [1-0.1-1, 10-1-2, 100-10-3]
@test Optimisers.update(Optimisers.setup(SignDecay(0.1), x), x, dx)[2] [1-0.1-1, 10-0.1-2, 100-0.1-3]
@test Optimisers.update(Optimisers.setup(ClipGrad(2), x), x, dx)[2] [1-1, 10-2, 100-2]

o2 = OptimiserChain(ClipGrad(2), WeightDecay(0.1))
Expand All @@ -154,6 +155,10 @@ end

o0 = OptimiserChain()
@test Optimisers.update(Optimisers.setup(o0, x), x, dx)[2] [1-1,10-2,100-3]

# L1 norm via sign
xm = [1, -10, 100.0]; dxm = [3, 2, -1];
@test Optimisers.update(Optimisers.setup(SignDecay(0.1), xm), xm, dxm)[2] [1-0.1-3, -10+0.1-2, 100-0.1+1]

@testset "trainable subset" begin
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