React Simple Captcha is a very powerful, highly customizable and easy to use captcha for React JS.
$ npm install react-simple-captcha
Demo can be seen here.
Usage Guide
Just follow these 4 easy steps to use the react simple captcha:
- Step 1:
Import all functions from react-simple-captcha
import { loadCaptchaEnginge, LoadCanvasTemplate, LoadCanvasTemplateNoReload, validateCaptcha } from 'react-simple-captcha';
- Step 2:
Place < LoadCanvasTemplate /> or < LoadCanvasTemplateNoReload /> (if you do not want 'Reload Captcha' functionality) in your render code
render() {
return (<div>
<LoadCanvasTemplate />
render() {
return (<div>
<LoadCanvasTemplateNoReload />
- Step 3:
Paste loadCaptchaEnginge(6) (You can change 6 to number of captcha charcters you want) in componentDidMount
componentDidMount () {
- Step 4:
Validate captcha by using validateCaptcha(user_captcha_value)
doSubmit = () => {
<! -- let's assume there is an HTML input text box with id 'user_captcha_input' to get user input -->
let user_captcha_value = document.getElementById('user_captcha_input').value;
if (validateCaptcha(user_captcha_value)==true) {
alert('Captcha Matched');
else {
alert('Captcha Does Not Match');
If you don't want captcha to be reloaded if user enter the wrong value then set second parameter to false validateCaptcha(user_captcha_value, false)
doSubmit = () => {
<! -- let's assume there is an HTML input text box with id 'user_captcha_input' to get user input -->
let user_captcha_value = document.getElementById('user_captcha_input').value;
if (validateCaptcha(user_captcha_value, false)==true) {
alert('Captcha Matched');
else {
alert('Captcha Does Not Match');
Listed are all the options available for react-simple-captcha
Name | Description |
< LoadCanvasTemplate /> | It will load the captcha with 'Reload Captcha' functionality. Place between your render code, usage example < LoadCanvasTemplate /> |
< LoadCanvasTemplateNoReload /> | It will load the captcha without 'Reload Captcha' functionality. Place between your render code, usage example < LoadCanvasTemplateNoReload /> |
loadCaptchaEnginge(Number_Of_Captcha_Charcters); | Simply paste it in componentDidMount(). Pass number of captcha characters you want to display. |
validateCaptcha(User_Submitted_Value) | Will return true if user submitted value matches with captcha otherwise false. Also will reload captcha if user submitted value is false |
validateCaptcha(User_Submitted_Value, false) | Will return true if user submitted value matches with captcha otherwise false. Will not reload captcha if user submitted value is false |
Options | All of these changes are optionals |
< LoadCanvasTemplate reloadText="Reload My Captcha" /> | If you want to change the "Reload Captcha" with your own text |
< LoadCanvasTemplate reloadColor="red" /> | If you want to change the blue color of "Reload Captcha" |
< LoadCanvasTemplate reloadText="Reload My Captcha" reloadColor="red" /> | If you want to change the "Reload Captcha" text and it's blue color |
loadCaptchaEnginge(Number_Of_Captcha_Charcters, Background_Color); | If you want to change the background color from black to your custom color. Example Syntax to change the background color to red use: loadCaptchaEnginge(6,'red'); |
loadCaptchaEnginge(Number_Of_Captcha_Charcters, Background_Color, Font_Color); | If you want to change the font color from white to your custom color. Example Syntax to change the font color to blue use: loadCaptchaEnginge(6,'','blue'); |
loadCaptchaEnginge(Number_Of_Captcha_Charcters, Background_Color, Font_Color); | If you want to change the both background and font color. Example Syntax to change the background color to white and font color to black use: loadCaptchaEnginge(6,'white','black'); |
loadCaptchaEnginge(Number_Of_Captcha_Charcters, Background_Color, Font_Color, Upper_Characters_Only); | If you want only upper characters and numbers use loadCaptchaEnginge(6,'','','upper'); |
loadCaptchaEnginge(Number_Of_Captcha_Charcters, Background_Color, Font_Color, Lower_Characters_Only); | If you want only lower characters and numbers use loadCaptchaEnginge(6,'','','lower'); |
loadCaptchaEnginge(Number_Of_Captcha_Charcters, Background_Color, Font_Color, Numbers); | If you want only numbers use loadCaptchaEnginge(6,'','','numbers'); |
loadCaptchaEnginge(Number_Of_Captcha_Charcters, Background_Color, Font_Color, Special_Characters); | If you want only special characters use loadCaptchaEnginge(6,'','','special_char'); |
Let's create a class name CaptchaTest with react simple captcha functionality:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { loadCaptchaEnginge, LoadCanvasTemplate, LoadCanvasTemplateNoReload, validateCaptcha } from 'react-simple-captcha';
class CaptchaTest extends Component {
componentDidMount () {
doSubmit = () => {
let user_captcha = document.getElementById('user_captcha_input').value;
if (validateCaptcha(user_captcha)===true) {
alert('Captcha Matched');
document.getElementById('user_captcha_input').value = "";
else {
alert('Captcha Does Not Match');
document.getElementById('user_captcha_input').value = "";
render() {
return (<div>
<div className="container">
<div className="form-group">
<div className="col mt-3">
<LoadCanvasTemplate />
<div className="col mt-3">
<div><input placeholder="Enter Captcha Value" id="user_captcha_input" name="user_captcha_input" type="text"></input></div>
<div className="col mt-3">
<div><button class="btn btn-primary" onClick={() => this.doSubmit()}>Submit</button></div>
export default CaptchaTest;
Import CaptchaTest in index.js
import CaptchaTest from './captcha_test';
Now replace ReactDOM.render with
ReactDOM.render(<CaptchaTest />, document.getElementById('root'));
Not Woking on ReactJS Version 18^
Solution Here: #23
Not Woking on Next.js
Solution Here: #32
Not Woking with TypeScript
Solution Here: #33
Works in every modern browser which has support for canvas element.
react-simple-captcha is licensed under the MIT license.
Name: Masroor Ejaz
Note: Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!