We all know the infamous game Flappy Bird. In which you take control of a little bird and try to pass through as many green pipes as possible.
This is a recreation of that game made in Python using the Pygame library.
With this game I also made a version in which an AI learns to play. The algorithm that I used to train the AI is called NEAT, which is basicly trains neuronetworks to play via evolution. To see more about this version of the game you can click here
To play the game we first need to download it.
If you would only like to play the game and are not interested in the AI model, just download the folder Normal Flappy.
On the other hand if you are only interested in the AI model, just download the folder Flappy AI.
If you would like to have both feel free to download the whole repository.
To run it you'll need to have python installed. You can install it in the official python website.
It's important to point out that both the game and the AI require some dependencies to run. This are listed in the requirements text file inside each project. You can install this dependencies using this command.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once installed, to run only the game you must be inside the NormalFlappy folder and run this command in any terminal.
python main.py
As well, to run only the AI game you must be inside the FlappyAI folder and run this command in any terminal.
python main.py