In this repository you will find information what is component architecture on frontend. We hope that this will allow you to create code less prone to bugs, scalable and easier to maintain.
Component architecture consists of multiple patterns. Below you will find all patterns that are common for all current UI libraries and frameworks.
- Have external dependencies
- Have side effects
- May have local state
- Test with mocks or stubs
- If you want to test container components do functional testing
Other names:
- Smart Components
- Smart Stateful Components
- Smart Stateless Components
- Have no external dependencies
- Have no side effects
- May have local state
- Test with shallow rendering (not recommended)
- Test with snapshot testing
- Test with visual regression testing
- Test accessibility
Other names:
- Dumb Components
- Dumb Stateful Components
- Dumb Stateless Components
They are directly matched with routing and are responsible for composing other components to display a screen.
Those components should take data only from the URL and pass them further.
If this component takes and passes URL data it becomes a Smart Component. If not - dumb.
Those components should be as simple as possible.
Those types of components can be also called "Views Components".
- set of components that are used together, are dependent on each other and cannot be used separately
- use only when creating component library
- use only when developing library
- do not use HoCs that set states in application code
- React solution for server side rendering
- Dependency Injection to reuse whole views or modules that look and behave the same but use different API
- Mocking with Mock Service Worker
- Page Object Pattern
- Component Object Pattern
- Visual Regression Testing
- Accessibility Testing
- Snapshot Testing