"A team of researchers from Qatar University, Doha, Qatar and the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh along with their collaborators from Pakistan and Malaysia in collaboration with medical doctors have created a database of chest X-ray images for COVID-19 positive cases along with Normal and Viral Pneumonia images. In our current release, there are 219 COVID-19 positive images, 1341 normal images and 1345 viral pneumonia images." from https://www.kaggle.com/tawsifurrahman/covid19-radiography-database
Also added 2 other fonts of xrays images:
https://www.kaggle.com/raddar/tuberculosis-chest-xrays-shenzhen https://stanfordmlgroup.github.io/competitions/chexpert/
Total images: 13575, COVID: 219
This notebook was written on Google Colab, using GPU. The data is downloaded directly from Kaggle, using Kaggle API.