You can run all the ESP32 proejcts in your browser. You can make your own copy and versions by selecting "Save a Copy" option. All the programs run straight out of the browser. you will learn ESP32 programming online faster. Micropython is supported too!
Arduino Blink LED
In this example, you will blink an LED conencted to D2 pin of ESP32. You will blink the LED every one second.
Seven Segment Display Counter example
In this example, you will interface a 4 digit seven segment display to an ESP32. This is just a basic platform for the counter. You can explore more by adding third party sensors, LEDs, displays and more to make the project more useful and application specific!
TinyPico RGB Color Cycling demo
Cycle through the colors by programming the APA102 RGB LED present on the TinyPico Board! You can run this example in your browser. No installations needed.
ESP32 WiFI Scanning Example
This ESP32 project example lists all the WiFi networks. It will print the SSID and the RSSI of all the networs it has discovered. This project will soon be updated. developers at Wokwi are working hard to make the project more useful.
SSD1306 Example
This example showns how you can drive ESP32 using a SSD OLED1306. You can larn ESP32 prorgamming online. No downloads, no installations needed.