Welcome everyone! I am Antoine CHEMINAT from Martinique FWI.
This project is a Graphql & React fullstack TodoApp for my portfolio.1
Manage your tasks and stay organized in your work.
This project displays the following skills:
- 100% type-safe code
- Graphql CRUD
- Token based auth
- Global state managment.
- Apollo Server
- Typescript
- MongoDb
- Prisma (Typescript ORM)
- Graphql
- Graphql-Nexus (Code-first schemas)
- JsonWebToken (auth)
- Nodemailer (mailer)
- Pino (logger)
- etc...
- Create-React-App
- Typescript
- ChakraUi (component library)
- Apollo Client (graphql queries, cache & local state)
- React Router V6
- React-Hook-Form & Zod (form validation)
- etc...
Feel free to share any suggestion to improve the code. ↩