A simple wrapper around the Litmus customer API using httparty. This does not use the reseller API and should not be used to reset Litmus services. See the API documentation for details
- Litmus::EmailTest.list
- Litmus::EmailTest.show(id)
- Litmus::EmailTest.find_by_name(name)
- Litmus::EmailTest.create({:subject => '', :body => ''}, name = nil)
- Litmus::EmailTest.rename(id, new_name)
- Litmus::EmailTest.destroy(id)
- Litmus::PageTest.list
- Litmus::PageTest.show(id)
- Litmus::PageTest.find_by_name(name)
- Litmus::PageTest.create(url, name = nil)
- Litmus::PageTest.rename(id, new_name)
- Litmus::PageTest.destroy(id)
- Litmus::TestVersion.list(test_id)
- Litmus::TestVersion.show(test_id, test_version_id)
- Litmus::TestVersion.poll(test_id, test_version_id)
- Litmus::TestVersion.create(test_id)
- Litmus::Result.list(test_id, test_version_id)
- Litmus::Result.show(test_id, test_version_id, result_id)
- Litmus::Result.retest(test_id, test_version_id, result_id)
- Litmus::Result.update(test_id, test_version_id, result_id, new_state)
- Litmus::Report.list
- Litmus::Report.create(new_name)
- Litmus::Report.show(id)
gem install litmus
# Setup the authentication details
use_ssl = true # You must turn on SSL here if you have SSL enabled in Litmus
Litmus::Base.configure("your_company_subdomain", "username", "password", use_ssl)
# Lets create an email test
email_test = Litmus::EmailTest.create
send_test_to = email_test["test_set_versions"].first["url_or_guid"] #=> "[email protected]"
test_id = email_test["id"] #=> 1716534
version = email_test["test_set_versions"].first["version"] #=> 1
# If we query our new version we can see Litmus have not had the email yet
Litmus::TestVersion.show(test_id, version)["received"] #=> false
# Lets send them the email
Pony.mail(:to => send_test_to, :from => '[email protected]', :subject => 'hi', :body => 'Hello there, this is a test')
# Alternatively, we could have included the email when the test was created
alternative_test = Litmus::EmailTest.create({:subject => 'Hello', :body => '<b>Hello, <i>world</i></b>'})
# Now they have it
Litmus::TestVersion.show(test_id, version)["received"] #=> "true"
# Lets poll the results and look at the first client
Litmus::TestVersion.poll(test_id, version)["results"].first.inspect #=> {"id"=>33539350, "test_code"=>"hotmail", "state"=>"pending"}
# The hotmail test is still pending, lets wait for a while
sleep 10
# Lets poll the results again and see that its complete
Litmus::TestVersion.poll(test_id, version).first.inspect #=> {"id"=>33539350, "test_code"=>"hotmail", "state"=>"complete"}
# Now let's show the result for this test version
image_url = Litmus::Result.show(test_id, version, 33539350)["result_images"].first["full_image"] #=> "s3.amazonaws.com/resultcaptures/2f21fc9c-08f6-4429-b53d-2e224189526b.fullpageon.png"
# And we can retest the results
Litmus::Result.retest(test_id, version, 33539350)
# poll again until you have results
# And update the the state to ticked
Litmust::Result.update(test_id, version, 33539350, :ticked)
# Let's rename this test to something more intuitive
Litmus::Test.rename(test_id, 'My email test')
# We can later look up the test by this name...
Litmus::Test.find_by_name('My email test')
system("open http://#{image_url}")
# Looks good! Let's clean up...
# Next, let's try a report of email views
report = Litmus::Report.create("Newsletter")
report_id = report["id"]
html_to_include_in_email = report["bug_html"] # bug as in listening device, I assume
# Get the report later after the send
report = Litmus::Report.show(report_id)
# View a list of last 1000 reports
reports = Litmus::Report.list