This is a WPF Windows Desktop application that initially followed an online tutorial for the "Friend Organiser" use case, but I extended the tutorial to convert the WPF Desktop App to use an API service for its data persistence instead of local ORM direct to database. I've also recreated the server endpoint in Python using Flask, and Ruby On Rails using Active Record, for no reason whatsoever.
Buzzwords - UI
.NET 8.0 C#
Autofac Dependency Injection container
Prism EventAggregator (Pub-Sub Events between View Models)
Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
TPL Async
WebAPI client
Buzzwords - API
.NET 8.0 C#
WebAPI Service
TPL Async
Fluent Validation
Entity Framework Core
Frequently used commands (for the .NET backend)\
Create a data migration
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate --project ./Core/FriendOrganiser.Persistence/FriendOrganiser.Persistence.csproj --startup-project ./API/FriendOrganiser.API/FriendOrganiser.API.csproj
Run migrations against the database
dotnet ef database update --project ./Core/FriendOrganiser.Persistence/FriendOrganiser.Persistence.csproj --startup-project ./API/FriendOrganiser.API/FriendOrganiser.API.csproj
(For the Python backend)
Set up a MariaDB instance and use the "create-and-seed-database.sql" file to initialise the database. The connection details can be maintained in the file
(For the Ruby backend)
Version required: 3.3.6
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
rails server --binding= --port=7020