Author: Matthew Hull
- All watch workouts are automatically synced through the HealthFit app on iPhone
- Sources currently are Strava, Apple Activity, and Nike+
- After sync, HealthFit uploads exports each workout as a fitfile to iCloud with the extension .fit
Use make
for the following steps:
- Run to grab all fitfiles and combine them with a common format into fit.csv
- Preprocess and clean aggregated data from fit.csv using preprocessing.Rmd. Using knit to pdf on the R Markdown workbook produces exploratory plots as well.
- Output of the preprocessing is fit_data.csv, after_effects_data.Rdata, and
- Subset cycling data for use with an After Effects project using to_after_effects.R
Use make preprocess
to only run the preprocessing steps and output to after effects.
Preprocessing data visualization and notes can be seen here
- Use random_tree.R to build random trees and random forests using classification on the fit_data.csv file.