- 0.16.0 - @matthewrudy
- rubocop -a - @matthewrudy
- Fix undefined
error raisied when parent class does not callmemoize
- @PikachuEXE - Add support for class-level cache flushing. - @JoeMcB
- Use the latest minitest - @matthewrudy
- use assert_nil to avoid minitest deprecations - @matthewrudy
- Bump 2.2 and 2.3 versions to latest. - @jrafanie
- Add ruby 2.4 to travis - @jrafanie
- Fix travis with jruby-head - @matthewrudy
- Steal the ruby list from the rake travis.yml - @matthewrudy
- ruby < 1.9.3 needs an older version of rake - @matthewrudy
- Add return in comments for
. - @joshuapinter - Use https instead http - @biow0lf