Tools for running an ensemble of lake models using standardised input data. Lake models currently incorporated are Freshwater Lake Model (FLake), General Lake Model (GLM), General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) (lake-branch), Simstrat, and MyLake.
You can find example setups here:
Prior to installing the package, you will need to install the packages which run the models and the tools for manipulating model data from GitHub. It is recommended to do this each time before testing to ensure all packages are up to date as there is parallel devlopment ongoing.
devtools::install_github("aemon-j/GLM3r", ref = "v3.1.1")
devtools::install_github("USGS-R/glmtools", ref = "ggplot_overhaul")
devtools::install_github("aemon-j/FLakeR", ref = "inflow")
Following this you can install LakeEnsemblR
from Github with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Should you run into unexpected installation issues, please have a look at this page:
You can download PyNcView, a cross-platform NetCDF viewer, for viewing the NetCDF output.
# Load LakeEnsemblR
# Copy template folder
template_folder <- system.file("extdata/feeagh", package= "LakeEnsemblR")
dir.create("example") # Create example folder
file.copy(from = template_folder, to = "example", recursive = TRUE)
setwd("example/feeagh") # Change working directory to example folder
# Set config file & models
config_file <- 'LakeEnsemblR.yaml'
model <- c("FLake", "GLM", "GOTM", "Simstrat", "MyLake")
# Example run
# 1. Export settings - creates directories with all model setups and exports settings from the LER configuration file
export_config(config_file = config_file, model = model)
# 2. Run ensemble lake models
run_ensemble(config_file = config_file, model = model)
# Load libraries for post-processing
## Plot model output using gotmtools/ggplot2
# Extract names of all the variables in netCDF
ncdf <- 'output/'
vars <- gotmtools::list_vars(ncdf)
vars # Print variables
p1 <- plot_heatmap(ncdf)
# Change the theme and increase text size for saving
p1 <- p1 +
theme_classic(base_size = 24) +
scale_colour_gradientn(limits = c(0, 21),
colours = rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "Spectral")))
# Save as a png file
ggsave('output/ensemble_heatmap.png', p1, dpi = 300,width = 384,height = 280, units = 'mm')
# Plot ensemble mean at 0.9m
model = c("FLake", "GLM", "GOTM", "Simstrat", "MyLake")
plot_ensemble(ncdf = ncdf, model = model, var = 'temp', depth = 0.9)
# Load watertemp from netCDF file as a list
wtemp <- load_var(ncdf = ncdf, var = 'temp', return = 'list')
# Plot residual diagnostic plots
plots <- plot_resid(var_list = wtemp) # Plot residuals - returns a list of plots
names(plots) #
# Plot residuals vs. depth ("res_depth")
# Analyse the netCDF output
out <- analyse_ncdf(ncdf, model = model, spin_up = 0)
str <- out[['strat']]
str[str$year == 2010, ]
stats <- out[['stats']]
See the vignette for further examples.
Head on over to our Wiki for guides on how to set up your lake for LakeEnsemblR
In order to contribute to this code, we recommend the following workflow:
"fork" this repository to your own personal github account
clone the github repository to your computer:
$git clone <[email protected]:{username}/LakeEnsemblR.git>
modify code or add new functionality, save the code
add the repository master to a remote master called "upstream"
$cd LakeEnsemblR
$git remote add upstream <[email protected]:aemon-j/LakeEnsemblR.git>
before pushing your changes to your repository, pull in the current version of the aemon-j master:
$git fetch upstream
merge these differences with your own "master" version:
$git merge upstream/master
push your changes to your github repository, in addition to changes made by pulling in the aemon-j master:
$git push
submit a pull request to aemon-j master using your account at