A checkbox that can be indeterminate
HTML5 provides a 3rd state to checkboxes, which is the "indeterminate" state. This property can only be set using javascript, like in the example below:
var cb = document.getElementById('whatever-checkbox');
cb.indeterminate = true;
Unfortunately, one cannot write the same thing in pure HTML, since "indeterminate" is not an attribute. The following example will not work as expected:
<input type="checkbox" indeterminate></input>
The goal of this custom element is to allow setting the "indeterminate" property via an attribute.
A (very ugly) live demo is available here
Install the component using Bower:
$ bower install tristate-checkbox --save
Or download as ZIP.
Import Web Components' polyfill:
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.min.js"></script>
Import Custom Element:
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/tristate-checkbox/src/tristate-checkbox.html">
Start using it!
<input is="tristate-checkbox" indeterminate name="qux" id="baz"></input>
The custom element will do two things:
- add the attribute
if not already there - set the
property according to the attribute value
- add the attribute