Minesweeper clone using PyGame
Win statecheck for all flags correctly placedcannot place more flags than mineswin screenmake win screen text sensitive to new hiscorecell hover disabled while open
Game over statedetect when all mines are revealedstop timershow game over screen
- High scores - save best times for each level - show high scores
create and save data structureupdate on better timesshow high score in end screenprettify hiscore list- highlight hiscore box on new hiscore
disable drop down when on end screen
- Executables https://pyinstaller.org/en/stable/index.html
Windows- Mac
Improve empty square colour, make alternating light/darkSweeper field should not react under open drop downRefactor main.py- Be more juicy; audio/particle effects
- Particles on mine on game over
Particles on flag on game win- sfx on click cell
- sfx on reveal
- sfx on place flag
- sfx on click on mine
- sfx with mine particles
- sfx with flag particles
Theme the drop down menuPrevent first square from ever being a mine