Configuration files for backup/sync between systems.
- Clone:
git clone --recursive [email protected]:mattkgwhite/dotfiles.git ~/.etc
- Backup:
~/.etc/ -u ~/.etc/.link.conf -b
- Link:
~/.etc/ -u ~/.etc/.link.conf -wf
This command is from the powerlevel10k github repo, found here. This command generates a colour table, to show an example of how colours will look on your terminal.
for i in {0..255}; do print -Pn "%K{$i} %k%F{$i}${(l:3::0:)i}%f " ${${(M)$((i%6)):#3}:+$'\n'}; done
- Tomorrow Night (included; tomorrow-night.itermcolor)
- Operator Mono 14pt (ASCII)
- monofur for Powerline 14pt (non-ASCII)