This project was aimed to study and achieve a lookalike Instagram interface. It's completly Open-Source and non-commercial.
- Cover all variations presented on Home page
- Cover other pages
- Refactor the code and make components simpler
- Improve the structure
- Write some functionality
- Test the iPhone version
- Think in more TODOs
node >=13.11.0
yarn >=1.22.0
You should have the Android emulator on.
react-native start
yarn android
OBS : Only tested on Android
👤 Matheus Vargem
- Github: @busycore
- LinkedIn: @matheusvargem
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you! You can fork it and submit some critics! I would like to hear some experts and improve myself.
The images/photos presented in this study were taken from Pixabay. The authors are in credits.txt
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