CLI to easily generate and edit holochain apps.
The easiest way to start using the scaffolding tool is through holonix:
nix run github:holochain/holochain#hc-scaffold -- --version
Should print the version of the scaffolding tool.
Refer to the holochain developer instructions to know how you can use the scaffolding tool to create your own apps.
These are the commands that you can run with the scaffolding tool inside of a holonix develop shell:
# Scaffold an example app
hc scaffold example
# Scaffold an empty web-app
hc scaffold web-app forum
cd forum
# Scaffold a dna inside the newly scaffolded app
hc scaffold dna forum
# Scaffold a zome inside the newly scaffolded dna
hc scaffold zome posts
# Scaffold an entry-type inside the newly scaffolded zome
hc scaffold entry-type post
# Scaffold a collection for the newly scaffolded entry-type
hc scaffold collection global all_posts
# Scaffold a new link-type
hc scaffold link-type
See the documentation to learn how to use and create custom templates.
Install the CLI globally with this command.
cargo install holochain_scaffolding_cli