IMDbooks is a web applicaiton used to rate books.
🚧 Under development
- Typescript
- JavaScript with syntax for types 💪
- React
- Component based JavaScript library used for creating user interfaces 🌿
- Vite
- Blazing fast build tool 🚀
- Tailwind
- Utility-first CSS framework 💅
This project uses the Yarn package manager.
yarn install
yarn start
firebase deploy
This project uses Firebase hosting.
To follow the scrum development method we have made a list of userstories that we then break into issues that you can find in the issueboard. The list is as follows:
- As a user i want a homepage containing news, toplists, favorites and books soon to be realesed in order to have a good user experience and to get the most out of the website.
- As an administrator i want to be able to add new books and authors to give users the possibility to discover new reading material.
- As a user i want to be able to search for books using title or authors in order to find information about books or authors i have heard about.
- As a user i want to be able to review books that i have read so that other users can get an impression about the books quality.
- As a user i want to be able to sort books based on genres in order to find new books in my favorite genres.
- As an administrator i want to be able to delete non serious or vulgar comments to keep the website professional.
- As a user i want to be able to log in to a usersystem that allows me to create custom lists such as favorites and books i have read.
- As a user i want to see the rating of a book based on the average rating given in all the reviews in order to get a sense of the books quality.
- As a user i want a toplist made by a realiable source such as New York Times to get inspiration on what i should read next.
- As the product owner i want to be able to advertise on the website in order to make money that can then be used to finance the website.
- As a user I want to be able to see a book-page, with details like a synopsis, ratings, publishing date and number of pages.
- As a user i want a darkmode feature so that i can use the app in lowlight environments.
- As a user i want to be able to see ratings from other sources such as goodreads to get more perspectives on a books quality.