borrowed from
Developer Tools is a script to set up your Max OS X laptop as a web development machine.
- OSX Mountain Lion (This is what I'm using so it's the only version I'm targeting, sorry)
- XCode 4.4
- X11
Run the script:
git clone
- SSH public key (for authenticating with services like Github and Heroku)
- Homebrew (for managing operating system libraries)
- Git
- Git Flow
- PhantomJS (For headless JavaScript testing)
- Ack (for finding things in files)
- ImageMagick (for cropping and resizing images)
- RVM (for managing versions of the Ruby programming language)
- Ruby language (for writing general-purpose code)
- Bunch of commonly used gems (Sass, Compass, Stitch etc...)
- Node (The awesome Javascript runtime)
- NPM (Node package manager)
- Coffeescript
- Bunch of commonly-used node packages
- PHP 5.6 w/ intl, apc, xdebug, twig and composer (
- POW Ruby and PHP
- POW Rails
- and more....
It should take about 30 minutes for everything to install, depending on your machine.
- Apache
- Enabling PHP in Apache
- Setting up VirtualHosts
- Apps
The installer doesn't do these things because it's a) Already installed in MacOSX by default or b) It needs admin rights.
Find this line in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
starting with:
LoadModule php5_module /some/path
And replace the path with: # PHP 5.6 LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/opt/php54/libexec/apache2/
Add this line to the bottom of the file:
Include /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf