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The DBTables file

Mauro Rogledi edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 1 revision

In the ModuleData directory, we create a file called DBTables.cs.
In this file we declare all the tables of our module.

public class CustomerTable : Table
    public static string Name = "APP_Customer";

    public static Column<CustomerTable, int> ID = new Column<CustomerTable, int>("ID", Properties.Resources.T_ID) { EnableNull = false };
    public static Column<CustomerTable, string> Description = new Column<CustomerTable, string>("Text", LEN.BIG_DESCRIPTION, Properties.Resources.T_Description);
    public static Column<CustomerTable, string> Address = new Column<CustomerTable, string>("Address", 128);
    public static Column<CustomerTable, string> ZipCode = new Column<CustomerTable, string>("ZipCode", 5);
    public static Column<CustomerTable, string> City = new Column<CustomerTable, string>("City", 35);
    public static Column<CustomerTable, string> County = new Column<CustomerTable, string>("County", 2);

    public static Column<CustomerTable, string> Phone1 = new Column<CustomerTable, string>("Phone1", LEN.CODE);
    public static Column<CustomerTable, string> Phone2 = new Column<CustomerTable, string>("Phone2", LEN.CODE);
    public static Column<CustomerTable, string> Email = new Column<CustomerTable, string>("Email", LEN.DESCRIPTION);

    public override IColumn[] PrimaryKey { get { return new IColumn[] { ID }; } }
    public new static IColumn ForeignKey = ID;

    public CustomerTable()
        VisibleInRadar(new IColumn[] { ID, Description });
        Tablename = Name;

With this code we have defined a new table CustomerTable, with 8 Columns.
With the PrimaryKey method we have defined the primary key of our table.
The VisibleInRadar method is required for all the main tables of a documentForm.