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Fixed to allow using martices as scalar like entity
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Fixes SciML#86
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mauro3 committed Jun 10, 2016
1 parent c12fc36 commit a599301
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Showing 4 changed files with 62 additions and 28 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion REQUIRE
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@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
julia 0.3
julia 0.4
Compat 0.4.1
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ODE.jl
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Expand Up @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ end

# isoutofdomain takes the state and returns true if state is outside
# of the allowed domain. Used in adaptive step-control.
isoutofdomain(x) = isnan(x)
isoutofdomain(x) = any(isnan(x))

function make_consistent_types(fn, y0, tspan, btab::Tableau)
# There are a few types involved in a call to a ODE solver which
Expand Down
45 changes: 27 additions & 18 deletions src/runge_kutta.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ immutable TableauRKExplicit{Name, S, T} <: Tableau{Name, S, T}
@assert istril(a)
@assert S==length(c)==size(a,1)==size(a,2)==size(b,2)
@assert size(b,1)==length(order)
@assert norm(sum(a,2)-c'',Inf)<1e-10 # consistency.
@assert norm(sum(a,2)-c'',Inf)<1e-10 # consistency.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ const bt_rk23 = TableauRKExplicit(:bogacki_shampine,(2,3), Rational{Int64},
2/9 1/3 4/9 0],
[7/24 1/4 1/3 1/8
2/9 1/3 4/9 0],
[0, 1//2, 3//4, 1]
[0, 1//2, 3//4, 1]

# Fehlberg
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,17 +163,17 @@ ode2_heun(fn, y0, tspan) = oderk_fixed(fn, y0, tspan, bt_heun)
ode4(fn, y0, tspan) = oderk_fixed(fn, y0, tspan, bt_rk4)

function oderk_fixed(fn, y0, tspan, btab::TableauRKExplicit)
# Non-arrays y0 treat as scalar
fn_(t, y) = [fn(t, y[1])]
t,y = oderk_fixed(fn_, [y0], tspan, btab)
# For y0 which are scalar-like, wrap them in a vector:
fn_{T}(t, y::Vector{T}) = T[fn(t, y[1])]
t,y = oderk_fixed(fn_, typeof(y0)[y0], tspan, btab)
return t, vcat_nosplat(y)
function oderk_fixed{N,S}(fn, y0::AbstractVector, tspan,
# TODO: instead of AbstractVector use a Holy-trait

# Needed interface:
# On components:
# On components:
# On y0 container: length, deepcopy, similar, setindex!
# On time container: getindex, convert. length

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,9 +215,9 @@ const ode45 = ode45_dp
ode78(fn, y0, tspan; kwargs...) = oderk_adapt(fn, y0, tspan, bt_feh78; kwargs...)

function oderk_adapt(fn, y0, tspan, btab::TableauRKExplicit; kwords...)
# For y0 which don't support indexing.
fn_ = (t, y) -> [fn(t, y[1])]
t,y = oderk_adapt(fn_, [y0], tspan, btab; kwords...)
# For y0 which are scalar-like, wrap them in a vector:
fn_{T}(t, y::Vector{T}) = T[fn(t, y[1])]
t,y = oderk_adapt(fn_, typeof(y0)[y0], tspan, btab; kwords...)
return t, vcat_nosplat(y)
function oderk_adapt{N,S}(fn, y0::AbstractVector, tspan, btab_::TableauRKExplicit{N,S};
Expand All @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ function oderk_adapt{N,S}(fn, y0::AbstractVector, tspan, btab_::TableauRKExplici
# - note that the type of the components might change!
# On y0 container: length, similar, setindex!
# On time container: getindex, convert, length

# For y0 which support indexing. Currently y0<:AbstractVector but
# that could be relaxed with a Holy-trait.
!isadaptive(btab_) && error("Can only use this solver with an adaptive RK Butcher table")
Expand All @@ -254,11 +254,12 @@ function oderk_adapt{N,S}(fn, y0::AbstractVector, tspan, btab_::TableauRKExplici
# work arrays:
y = similar(y0, Eyf, dof) # y at time t
y[:] = y0
ytrial = similar(y0, Eyf, dof) # trial solution at time t+dt
yerr = similar(y0, Eyf, dof) # error of trial solution
ytrial = similar(y, dof) # trial solution at time t+dt
zero!(ytrial, y[1])
yerr = similar(y, dof) # error of trial solution
ks = Array(Ty, S)
# allocate!(ks, y0, dof) # no need to allocate as fn is not in-place
ytmp = similar(y0, Eyf, dof)
# allocate!(ks, y, dof) # no need to allocate as fn is not in-place
ytmp = similar(y, dof)

# output ys
nsteps_fixed = length(tspan) # these are always output
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,8 +367,8 @@ function rk_embedded_step!{N,S}(ytrial, yerr, ks, ytmp, y, fn, t, dt, dof, btab:
# On components: arithmetic, zero
# On y0 container: fill!, setindex!, getindex

fill!(ytrial, zero(eltype(ytrial)) )
fill!(yerr, zero(eltype(ytrial)) )
fill!(ytrial, zero(ytrial[1]) )
fill!(yerr, zero(ytrial[1]) )
for d=1:dof
ytrial[d] += btab.b[1,1]*ks[1][d]
yerr[d] += btab.b[2,1]*ks[1][d]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -441,10 +442,18 @@ end

# Helper functions:
function allocate!{T}(vec::Vector{T}, y0, dof)
# Allocates all vectors inside a Vector{Vector} using the same
# kind of container as y0 has and element type eltype(eltype(vec)).
# Allocates and zeros all vectors inside a Vector{Vector} using
# the same kind of container as y0 has and element type
# eltype(eltype(vec)). Uses zero(y0[1]) to create zeros for each
# element.
for s=1:length(vec)
vec[s] = similar(y0, eltype(T), dof)
zero!(vec[s], y0[1])
function zero!(vec, zeroofthis)
for i in eachindex(vec)
vec[i] = zero(zeroofthis)
function index_or_push!(vec, i, val)
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41 changes: 33 additions & 8 deletions test/interface-tests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# Here are tests which test what interface the solvers require.

nonconforming_solvers = [ODE.ode23s, ODE.ode4s_s, ODE.ode4s_kr]

# This is to test a scalar-like state variable
# This is to test a scalar-like state variable which is encoded in a custom type
# (due to @acroy:

import Base: +, -, *, /, .+, .-, .*, ./
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,6 +35,7 @@ Base.norm(y::CompSol) = norm(y::CompSol, 2.0)
### new for PR #68
Base.abs(y::CompSol) = norm(y, 2.) # TODO not needed anymore once is in current stable julia{CompSol}) = CompSol(complex(zeros(2,2)), 0., 0.) = zero(CompSol)
ODE.isoutofdomain(y::CompSol) = any(isnan, vcat(y.rho[:], y.x, y.p))

# Because the new RK solvers wrap scalars in an array and because of
Expand All @@ -43,21 +46,18 @@ ODE.isoutofdomain(y::CompSol) = any(isnan, vcat(y.rho[:], y.x, y.p))
.*(s::Real, y1::CompSol) = y1*s
./(y1::CompSol, s::Real) = CompSol(y1.rho/s, y1.x/s, y1.p/s)


# define RHSs of differential equations
# delta, V and g are parameters
function rhs(t, y, delta, V, g)
H = [[-delta/2 V]; [V delta/2]]

rho_dot = -im*H*y.rho + im*y.rho*H
x_dot = y.p
p_dot = -y.x

return CompSol( rho_dot, x_dot, p_dot)

# inital conditons
rho0 = zeros(2,2);
Expand All @@ -70,13 +70,38 @@ t,y1 = ODE.ode45((t,y)->rhs(t, y, delta0, V0, g0), y0, [0., endt]) # used as ref
print("Testing interface for scalar-like state... ")
for solver in solvers
# these only work with some Array-like interface defined:
if solver in [ODE.ode23s, ODE.ode4s_s, ODE.ode4s_kr]
if solver in nonconforming_solvers
t,y2 = solver((t,y)->rhs(t, y, delta0, V0, g0), y0, linspace(0., endt, 500))
@test norm(y1[end]-y2[end])<0.1

# Tests using a matrix as a scalar
# test due to @gersonjferreira

h = [5.0 1.0; -1.0 6.0]/10.0;

y0 = [0.0 1.0; 1.0 1.0];

function rhs(t, y)
return h*y

refsol = [ 0.173109 1.81331
1.81331 1.6402]
solver = 1
for solver in solvers
if solver in nonconforming_solvers
t, y = solver(rhs, y0, tspan)
@test norm(y[end]-refsol) < 0.1

# TODO: test a vector-like state variable, i.e. one which can be indexed.

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