Release text:
This is a release based on v4.3.0 with lots of bugfixes, as well as better support for gimbals.
Note: that this is an intermediate release still on Qt5, before the bigger v5 release including lots of UI rework and refactoring based on Qt (which is tracked by the master branch and daily builds).
- Various backported fixes (see #11276 for details).
- New terrain backend based on Copernicus hosted by Auterion (#10740) by @leonardosimovic.
- Gimbal support based on the MAVLink gimbal v2 protocol (#10667) by @Davidsastresas, @julianoes.
Full Changelog: v4.3.0...v4.4.0
Herelink: https://github.com/CubePilot/qgroundcontrol-herelink/releases/tag/v4.4.0-herelink