PrimeMultiplier is a command line application to generate a multiplication table of the first n prime numbers
PrimeMultiplier uses Ruby 2.2.0
After cloning the repository on your local machine, cd to the project root directory and install all the dependencies by typing
bundle install
To run all the specs type
Example Usage:
$(PROJECT_DIR)/prime_multiplication_table --count 10
$(PROJECT_DIR)/prime_multiplication_table --count 10
| 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29
2 | 4 6 10 14 22 26 34 38 46 58
3 | 6 9 15 21 33 39 51 57 69 87
5 | 10 15 25 35 55 65 85 95 115 145
7 | 14 21 35 49 77 91 119 133 161 203
11 | 22 33 55 77 121 143 187 209 253 319
13 | 26 39 65 91 143 169 221 247 299 377
17 | 34 51 85 119 187 221 289 323 391 493
19 | 38 57 95 133 209 247 323 361 437 551
23 | 46 69 115 161 253 299 391 437 529 667
29 | 58 87 145 203 319 377 493 551 667 841