Look and feel for sky.com
Soon you will find an exciting and wonderful array of widgets that can be inserted directly into your site!
See the reference page for a description of each component.
//web-toolkit.global.sky.com/version-number/stylesheets/toolkit.css //web-toolkit.global.sky.com/version-number/scripts/toolkit.js //web-toolkit.global.sky.com/version-number/images/icons.png
You can contribute to the wiki!!!
- Ruby (version 1.9.3 or later)
- npm
- Clone the repository from Github onto your local machine
- Install npm
- echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
- . ~/.bashrc
- mkdir /usr/local
- mkdir ~/node-latest-install
- cd ~/node-latest-install
- curl http://nodejs.org/dist/node-latest.tar.gz | tar xz --strip-components=1
- ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
- make install # ok, fine, this step probably takes more than 30 seconds...
- curl https://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh
You can run the Javascript Unit tests with the following:
- grunt test
These tests can also be run individially by specifying a pattern:
- grunt test --pattern=Hash*
- In the root of the project, run the following:
- bundle
- jekyll serve --watch
- In another terminal run:
- grunt watch #(add '--beautify' to help when debugging)
- Browse to http://localhost:4000
In order to release a new version of the library, the version number in _config.yml must be incremented following the rules below:
This library should follow the Semantic versioning specification. In short, that means the following:
Version: X.Y.Z
API changes that are not backwards compatible, and break existing calls using the API must increment the X value.
API changes that introduce new backwards compatible changes, or change the internals, but not the interface, of existing methods will increment the Y value.
Patches or bug fixes that are backwards compatible should increment the Z value.
Upon commiting and pushing your code to Github, the CI server will run through the functional tests and - if there are no errors - a new version of the library will be deployed to the CDN using the version number specified in the _config.yml file.