Kodi plugin for MyEpisodes
This plugin will set TV shows episodes you've seen as watched on MyEpisodes. It will also add the the TV show to your account if it was not already there.
This was done mainly because I'm too lazy to do it by hand and I watch 98% of my video through Kodi.
If you really want to build it, here is a simple script to do so:
version=$(grep "^\s\+version" addon.xml | cut -f2 -d'"')
if [ -d $dest ]; then
rm -r $dest
mkdir $dest
cp addon.xml $dest/
cp *.txt $dest/
cp icon.png $dest/
cp *.py $dest/
cp -r resources $dest/
if [ -f $dest-$version.zip ]; then
rm $dest-$version.zip
zip -r $dest-$version.zip $dest
rm -r $dest
It will create a zip file that you can install directly within Kodi.
Using the GUI of Kodi, choose to install your plugin as a zip file, find your zip file, and you're done !
If you can't or don't want to build this plugin, look at the release tab. You can download the last plugin from there.
Download the latests version.
The search engine of myepisodes is crappy (which is very polite), it doesn't understand the difference between "Mr Robot" and "Mr. Robot". If the plugin reports that it can't find your show, it means that you have to find it yourself on the website of MyEpisodes and add it to your shows, then the plugin should be able to pick it up. If that's not the case, feel free to open an issue.