This script do few things
Install Requirements for Bostrom node: firewall, GPU drivers, etc.
Install Node with Snapshot download
Install Snapshot (Only if Bostrom node already working)
brew install ansible
To ansible_host add Domain or IP address of your server
To ansible_user add name of user from your server
To ansible_become_password add password from your server
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
If you decide not to add a personal ssh key to the agent, then during the execution of scripts you may be asked for a password
Start script with command:
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts.ini install_requirements.yaml
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts.ini install_node.yaml --tags="pull_container,snapshot_download"
You can check the download status using the command on your server:
tmux attach -t snapshot_download
To exit Tmux without interrupting the download process, use command: Ctrl+B then D
Be careful, some steps are run under Tmux on your server and must be run with separate commands presented below
This decision was made due to the fact that ansible can break connections with servers due to unstable Internet, use of VPN, etc.
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts.ini install_node.yaml --tags="untar"
It will create another tmux process on your server
tmux attach -t snapshot_extract
To exit Tmux without interrupting the download process, use command: Ctrl+B then D
After successfully unpacking the snapshot, run the task that adds peer addresses and restart container
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts.ini install_node.yaml --tags="peers"
If you already have a node and you want to download and install a new snapshot then use the following commands
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts.ini install_node.yaml --tags="snapshot_download"
Run the following command only if you are sure that the snapshot has been downloaded
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts.ini install_node.yaml --tags="untar"
Run the following command only if you are sure that the snapshot has been successfully untar into the ~/.cyber folder
ansible-playbook -i inventories/hosts.ini install_node.yaml --tags="start_bostrom"