This web page was intended for a computer science project which is related to the Animation course in ICT Web Technologies (2nd-year) in OAMK (Oulu UAS, Finland).
The main goal of this project was to build a website for NorthKino, a fictive company which have theaters pretty much everywhere in Finland.
Then, to make the link with the course, we had to take advantage of animations to make the website more modern and user-friendly.
But according to modern rules in web technologies, the teacher restricted the way to build animations with only CSS and Javascript (no Flash).
The website also had to have a booking system to order tickets online. But for all the features, it doesn't had to use any databases or other server services (due to the short time to realize the project). The webpages had to be written as "fixed" texts and images to simplify the development but just to show the design and animations of the global website.
This example was written by beginners in HTML but as you will see, in just a few weeks, you can build a modern website with some user-friendly animations.
Our status:
Because a lack of time, in this example there isn't the booking system, but the homepage was done with as many elements as possible. The design was also completed with the animations.
To make this website beautiful, we used some parts of code to build the animations and the global design:
Website built by Gaëlle Cudennec and Maxime Marmont (@marmontm), exchange students in OAMK, Autumn-2017 term.
Thanks to the teacher, Lasse Haverinen (@lassehav), for his collaboration.
To view the website, just download the repo as zip file and open index.html. But if you want to have the .htaccess support (for error display, like "Error 404 - Not found"), put all the contents in the root of your webserver (also working with WAMP and MAMP).
December 2017