Screenshots of Screens:
New Social:
Welcome to my version of MDB Socials! An app created for the purposes of keeping track of socials in MDB! My app comes complete with everything explicitly laid out on the spec, including:
- A working authentication system (sign up and log in ) using Firebase's authentication services
- The ability to add a new social to a feed
- The feed is organized from most recent to oldest posts
- And is updated in real time
- When inputting a new event onto the feed, the user may either choose from their photo library or pull out their camera and take a photo right there
- The feed is organized from most recent to oldest posts
- Tapping a cell on the feed leads the user to the "Details" screen for that particular event
- This screen offers the option to express "Interest" in the event, one user may only express "Interest" in an event once, and that is recorded within the Firebase Database