This little web server allows you to copy and paste a piece of data across the Internet or hosts on your local network. It is useful when you are working with multiple computers and don't want to email things to yourself or use cloud storage options for a quick share. You need to simply copy an arbitrary string from one computer to another.
For security, updrop encrypts and decrypts data. It stores only one string at a time in memory. You encrypt your string with a key. When you decrypt using the key, the string is retrieved, the store becomes empty, and the string cannot be retrieved again.
You use a key every time you want to share something across computers. It must be of length 16, 24, or 32 bytes. You use the same key to decrypt.
You can host this anywhere - in the open or on your local network.
$ updrop
Listening on port :8000
Specify the paths to a TLS certificate and private key:
$ updrop -cert cert.pem -key key.pem
Generate a self-signed certificate with private key using scripts/
For help:
$ updrop -h