A template for a single research project, adapted from al-folio
- Click on the "Use this template" button on the top right, and follow the instructions to create your own repository.
- Go to https://github.com/settings/tokens and choose Generate New Token (classic is fine). Name it what you like (I used the same name as the repository I made in step 1), and copy the generated code (keep it pasted somewhere safe).
- Back in your new repository, go to Settings --> Secrets and variables --> Actions, and create a new Repository Secret called LIGHTHOUSE_BADGER_TOKEN. Paste the code you just copied here as the "Value."
- In your new repository, go to Settings --> Actions --> General, and make sure "Read and Write Permissions" is checked in the "Workflow Permissions" section. Check it if not, and save.
- Next, go to Settings --> Pages. Choose "Deploy from a branch" as your build source (use your "main" or "master" branch for now).
- Open the file _config.yml. Change the url from maxturer.github.io to [your username].github.io, and change the base url from /research-site/ to the name of your new repository (like: /new-repo-name/).
- After a few minutes, head back to Settings --> Pages. The "deploy from a branch" dropdown should have a new branch available called "gh-pages." Choose this one instead, and save. If you don't see this branch yet, no worries, it can take up to 10 minutes to generate. It'll be there!
- Wait (a while) for the action to run again, then you should have your site! Customize as you like.
Check out the al-folio readme and installation guide for more information.
If you're affiliated with GW, check out the related presentation here. Thanks!
If you have any questions, send me an email at [email protected].