FUME is a sophisticated FHIR convertion tool. Made by Outburn with ❤️
The engine has the following main parts:
- A FUME mapping language interpreter, based on a fusion between JSONata and FHIR Shorthand. See here: https://www.fume.health/docs/flash
- Connection to a FHIR server that enables it to be used as a repository for saved FUME mappings & translation tables
- FHIR-oriented functions that assist in the transformation to or from FHIR resources
- RESTful API to run the transformation against a JSON, CSV or HL7 V2 input
You are welcome to play with the mapping language in our interactive public sandbox at https://try.fume.health.
Installation & deployment instructions can be found at our getting started page.
For further documentation & examples you can watch our video tutorials.
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