- torch
- matplotlib
- einops
- albumentations
- cityscapesscripts
- opencv
- torchmetrics
- pillow
- Enter into segformers directory
- add the path to the dataset in the main file, for the variable root_dir
- Uncomment the training code snippet and run the main.py file
- The weights will be stored in a folder called weights
- For inference testing, comment the training snippet and uncomment the testing snippet.
- Provide the path to the weights and run the main.py file
note: both raspberry pi and laptop should be in the same network which work on master/slave configuration, both should have the same version of ros
- In the src folder, inside utils, provide the path to the weights.
- build the package
- make sure roscore is running on the master, and images are being published by the slave.
- On the master system, execute rosrun cam_sub_node cam_sub_file.py
Note: if you just want to run the inference, please contact the authors for weight file, as github does not allow large files to be uploaded
- Sai Surya Sriramoju - [email protected]
- Dhruv Sharma - [email protected]
- Mayank Sharma - [email protected]