This technical assessment involves building a full-stack application using Next.js and Supabase. The base application includes user authentication, profile management, and a post creation system.
- A simple blog platform with authentication
- User profile management system
- Post creation and display functionality
- Pre-built UI components that need proper implementation
- Clean and well-organized code structure
- Proper implementation of authentication flows
- Effective state management
- Understanding of Next.js 13+ features and server-side rendering
- Database modeling and management with Supabase
- TypeScript proficiency
- Form handling and validation
- Proper error handling
- Code maintainability and scalability
- Understanding of security best practices
You will be working with a starter codebase that includes basic UI components. Your task is to implement the full functionality, organize the code properly, and make any improvements you deem necessary.
- Node.js 18+
- pnpm
- Docker (for local Supabase instance)
pnpm install
pnpm dev
- Setup Supabase CLI
pnpm add -g supabase
- Start Local Supabase
supabase init
supabase start
This will spin up a Docker container with your local Supabase instance.
- Create your migrations in
, use CLIsupabase migration new MIGRATION_NAME
- Example migration file structure:
-- 000001_create_users_table.sql
create table public.profiles (
id uuid references auth.users primary key,
email text unique,
phone text,
date_of_birth date,
address text,
zip_code text,
city text,
updated_at timestamp with time zone
-- Enable RLS
alter table public.profiles enable row level security; (bonus)
- Your local instance runs at
- Studio UI available at
- Default credentials can be found in
aftersupabase start
- Use migrations for all database changes
- Implement Row Level Security (RLS) policies (bonus)
- Document any additional tables or policies you create (bonus)
Remember to check Supabase Documentation for detailed information about:
- Authentication
- Database setup
- Storage (bonus)
- Row Level Security (bonus)
- TypeScript support
- Implement complete authentication flow
- Login page with email/password
- Registration page with required fields:
- Password
- Phone
- Date of birth
- Address
- Zip code
- City
- Proper form validation using react-hook-form and zod
- Protected routes for authenticated users
- Display user information in a profile card
- Implement edit functionality
- Real-time form validation
- Update user information in Supabase
- Handle error states and loading states
- Create posts with:
- Title
- Subtitle
- Content
- Image (optional)
- Display posts in a card layout
- Handle image upload to Supabase storage
- Basic CRUD operations
- Form validation
- Use App Router
- Implement proper routing structure
- Utilize Server Components when relevant
- Handle client-side state management
- Implement proper error boundaries
- Loading states and suspense
- Set up proper database schema
- Implement Row Level Security (RLS)
- Handle authentication flow with Supabase Auth
- Set up proper storage rules for images
- Create necessary database migrations
- Organize code into reusable components
- Implement proper TypeScript typing
- Follow React best practices
- Handle error cases gracefully
- Document key architecture decisions
- Clean and maintainable code structure
- Proper separation of concerns
- Working authentication system
- Functional user profile management
- Working post creation and display
- Proper database structure and migrations
- Code quality and organization
- TypeScript implementation
- Error handling
- Form validations
- Security considerations
- Comprehensive test coverage
- Advanced error handling
- Improved UI/UX from base design
- Performance optimizations
- Additional features that add value
- Comprehensive documentation
- Fork this repository
- Create a new branch for your implementation
- Provide a complete README with:
- Setup instructions
- Development decisions
- Any additional features
- Include all necessary database migrations
- Submit via pull request
- Ensure all environment variables are documented
- Include any necessary screenshots or demonstrations
- Focus on code quality over quantity
- Commit regularly with clear messages
- Document your choices and tradeoffs
- Ensure the application runs locally without issues
- Test all features before submitting
- Don't hesitate to ask if you have technical questions
- Remember to handle edge cases
- Security should be a priority