This is a simple restaurant website, which is made using only HTML and CSS. This repository is completely beginner friendly and aims to provide beginners with a easy to contribute repository while helping out the project.
The following tasks are recommended for beginners to contribute to this reposiory (Scroll down to find guidance on how to contribute to this repository)
- Add colour changing effect when hover on buttons
- Add underline effects when hover on links
- Add a item in the food menu section with image and description
- Capitalize the type of food displayed on image
- Reduce the font size of image description to increase readibility
- Make the buttons rounded (use bootstrap if required)
- Make the menu images round (use bootstrap if required)
- Create a alert popup (Javascript alert function) when user submits contact form
- Install GitHub Desktop on your PC
- Fork this repo from the button above and create a copy of it in your personal repos
- Click on the green code button in the forked repo and copy the https url
- Sign into GitHub Desktop with your GitHub account
- Then click "Clone a repository from the internet"
- Enter the url you copied earlier
- Make changes to the code to add the tasks
- Push your changes to the forked
- Click on contribute and make a pull request.
- Wait for pull request to be merged, and congrats you've done it.
In case of any problems, feel free to contact us. We'll help you out. Good Luck contributing to open source.