CobaltAI cli generates instructions for a gpt/assistant that can help you with your codebase.
$ npm install --global cobalt-ai
# or
$ yarn global add cobalt-ai
$ cobalt-ai --help
$ cobalt-ai
--openaiApiKey Your OpenAI API key
--extraInstructions Extra instructions to pass to the codebase expert
$ cobalt-ai --openaiApiKey='YOUR_API_KEY' --extraInstructions="Don't mention the project name"
It generates the following files in the current directory:
└── knowledgeFiles
contains the instructions for the codebase expert. Copy-paste this into your GPT/assistant ("Instructions" section).knowledgeFiles/
contains the knowledge files for the codebase expert. Upload these files to your GPT/assistant ("Knowledge" section).
- Feat: Works on React Native projects
- Fix: The instructions are compatible with GPTs out-of-the-box
- Feat: Add extra instructions
- Feat: Works on other mobile projects
- Feat: Works on web projects
- Feat: Works on backend projects
COde BAse Llm experT AI I was not able to find a good name for this project, so I just named it Cobalt.