This repository provides glossaries for Buddhist Studies that were produced for use in GoldenDict. Other offline dictionary platforms like StarDict, Babylon, AppleDict, QuickDic, will be able to read some of them. They come in different formats like xdxf, bgl, gls and StarDict's .idx/.ifo etc. (To convert into other formats I recommend pyglossary). Mostly these are rough conversions from open datasets that I found on the net. To the best of my knowledge none of the original datasets are copyrighted. The glossaries in the version made available here are distributed under a Creative Commons 0 (1.0 Universal) License. Currently included here:
"": Dictionary version of the Dharma Drum Buddhist Person Name Authority. Contains information (in Chinese) on c.47,000 East Asian and some Indian Buddhists. I update this occasionally as the database evolves.
"dppn_suttacentral.xdxf": Based on material from Malalasekera's Dictionary of Pāli Proper Names. Entries on c. 1,360 person and place names from Pāli sources (only about 15% of Malalasekera). This glossary was created from data retrieved March 2020 from the SuttaCentral repository. The file distributed by SuttaCentral added information by geo-referencing places, and classes (person, place, thing).
"": Two versions of a Sanskrit-Chinese-Tibetan glossary created from an index to the Yogācārabhūmi. Print original: Koitsu YOKOYAMA, Takayuki HIROSAWA: Index to the Yogācārabhūmi. Tokyo: Sankibo, 1996. Babylon glossary format. "Yokoyama.1996.瑜伽师地论汉藏梵索引_sanTibChin.gls" is converted from a .mdx version found on the Net. Chinese headwords are only in 簡體字. "Yokoyama.1996.瑜珈师地论漢蔵梵索引_chinOnly.gls" is arranged by Chinese headwords in 繁體字. References to actual passages are unfortunately not preserved in either version. To locate a term in a Yogācārabhūmi passage use the print original by Yokoyama and Hirosawa, or try the Yogācārabhūmi Database.
"Japanese-Multilingual Named Entity" c.740,000 names in Japanese (persons, places, JR railway stations, organizations etc.). In .gls (52MB).
Crucial Chinese lookup tools (Unihan, CC-Cedict, Kangxi etc.) and Edgerton's Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary expertly rendered and maintained by Simon Wiles here.
A large number of Sanskrit dictionaries in XDXF have been produced by GRETIL.
Dharma Drum maintains a website with Buddhist glossaries for download or online lookup.
April 2020 - now
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