set of django management commands to scaffold a django + angular project
Install using pip
pip install django-angular-scaffold
include in your INSTALLED_APPS
The following are commands that are made available through this package.
./ scaffold
Builds a assets folder structure in the following structure:
+ - app
| + - config
| + - controllers
| + - directives
| + - services
| + - views
| + - app.js
+ - lib
+ - fonts
+ - scripts
+ - styles
+ - site
| + - _global.scss
| + - _mixins.scss
| + - _variables.scss
+ - vendor
+ styles.scss
It will prompt for an application name, this will add start the angular app off.
It also automatically setups the styles.scss
to import the pre stubbed out globals, mixins, and variables files.
The rest of the folders are stubbed out with a .gitkeep
file to allow the directory structure to be added to git.
./ startview <viewname>
creates new view, creates new styles and adds it to the import
Can accept a path. The following are valid viewname arguments
./manage startview homepage
./manage startview home-page
./manage startview ticket/new
./manage startview settings/options/test
This will create a view file in the appropriate folder, create a mirrored scss file in the site directory, and import the style into the main styles.scss file.
./ generatedocs
Adds a /docs
folder and copies some basic documentation into it
./ createdebugger <password>
Creates a config file for angular that overrides console.log and replaces it with $log.debug. Then disables $log.debug unless a query string with an encoded password is included.
This makes it very easy to debug your application without having to expose the underlying to the users. It also allows you to keep your logging statements in your app when going to production, as they are turned off and hidden by default.
./ startservice <service_name>
Creates a starter service. Will ask for the endpoint, and the pluralization of the service name, and will create list, get, post, put, and delete methods for that service.
./ startcontroller <controller_name>
Creates a new empty controller in controllers directory.
./ createcsrf
Adds the csrf token to your angular ajax headers in a config file. Also injects the ngCookies
dependency into your app.
./ startroutes
Adds a routes config file and inject ngRoute as a dependency.
Creates a defaulted route to /
using HomeController
and views/home.html
./ addroute
Adds a route to the routes. Will prompt for url, controller, views, and a number of variables to resolve.
- put in the url in angular notation for this route example:/tickets/:ticket/edit/
- the short name of the controller example:ticket = TicketController
- path relative to the views folder to the html template example:tickets/ticket.html
- name of variable to resolve into controller
./ createlimiter
Adds a runtime config that gives access to a $rootScope.checkLimiter()
function that you can use in services
to limit the number of calls made.