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gitnotes 📓

gitnotes is a simple git-aware notes manager. It makes taking notes easy while working on multiple projects/branchs by opening the correct note when you run gn edit.

gitnotes will use your own text editor, and save notes as regular files in the default directory $HOME/gitnotes.

# example usage
$ cd my-project # on branch main of my-project-

$ gn edit # opens my-project/main note on editor

$ git checkout -b another-branch

$ gn edit # opens my-project/another-branch note

$ git checkout main

$ gn edit # back to notes of my-project/main

$ vim $(gn path) # opens directory of all notes


The most common use is to just gn edit, take notes and save. Later, you may checkout another branch or work on another project, then you just gn edit again and take notes. Once you go back to the original project/branch, your notes are stored and you can pick up from where you left.

You can use the flags -b and -p to edit notes from a different branch and project, respectivelly. If you just want to read the notes in the terminal without opening an editor, you can use gn print instead of gn edit.

All your notes will be stored in $HOME/gitnotes (by default), making them easy to version. gitnotes comes with commands to help you version your own notes on git, like gn pull, gn commit and gn push.

If you try to run gn edit on a directory that is not a git repository without providing a project and branch, it will error.

Run gn help for more details.

usage: gn [-d] <command> <args>
Available commands:
- edit: edit the git note
- push: push notes to remote
- pull: pull notes from remote
- commit: commit notes
- path: prints the notes path to stdio
- print: prints the note to stdio
- delete: delete notes
run 'gn [command] -h' for more details on each command



  • Golang (building)
  • git
  1. Download source code
git clone
  1. Build and install
make install

This will build the binary and move it to /usr/local/bin/gn. You can run make build and move ./dist/gn to another directory if you prefer.

Config file

gitnotes will create a config file if it doesn't find $HOME/.config/gitnotes/gn.conf.

Default config file

editor=vim # binary name of the code editor (e.g. code, gedit, nvim, nano)
notes=$HOME/gitnotes # path in which notes will be stored
always-commit=false # commit after each `gn edit` (true/false)


If you have problems running gn push to github, try running the following:

ssh-keyscan -t rsa > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
ssh-keyscan -t ecdsa >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts

See this issue for more details.


Git-aware note taking








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