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Brunch skeleton for Elm apps using Babel for ES6, Sass for the stylesheets and Bootstrap 4.

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Brunch + Elm 0.18 + Sass + Bootstrap 4

This is an Elm application skeleton for Brunch. It comes setup with Babel, Sass and Bootstrap 4.

You can use it with Brunch to generate a new application or follow the instructions to do it manually.


Clone is repo manually or use brunch new dir -s mathieul/brunch-with-elm-bootstrap

Getting Started

  • Install (if you don't have them):
    • Node.js: brew install node on OSX
    • Brunch: npm install -g brunch
    • Elm: brew install elm on OSX
    • Brunch plugins and app dependencies: npm install
  • Run:
    • brunch watch --server — watches the project with continuous rebuild. This will also launch HTTP server with pushState.
    • brunch build --production — builds minified project for production
  • Learn:
    • Place Elm files in app/elm/ and JavaScript files in app/js/.
    • public/ dir is fully auto-generated and served by HTTP server. Write your code in app/ dir.
    • Place static files you want to be copied from app/assets/ to public/.
    • Place Sass files in app/scss/, they will compile to public/css/.
    • Brunch site, Getting started guide

Or Do It Yourself

You can also start from a brunch ES6 generated application and set it up manually to understand how each component work.

Follow the steps below:

$ brunch new my-app -s es6
$ cd my-app
$ echo "\n# Elm files\nelm-stuff/" >> .gitignore

Let's make sure it all works:

$ brunch watch --server

and open http://localhost:3333 in a new browser window. Open the developer tools and make sure you see the Initialized app message in the web console.

Let's add Sass and Bootstrap (4.0.0-alpha.2 at the moment of this writing):

$ npm install [email protected] --save-dev
$ npm install sass-brunch --save-dev

And setup Elm for our new app:

$ npm install elm-brunch --save-dev
$ elm package install elm-lang/html -y

We update the elm-package.json file to list the directory intended to contain our application Elm files as a dependency:

  "source-directories": [

We replace the content of brunch-config.js to tell Brunch about Elm and Sass:

// brunch-config.js
module.exports = {
  files: {
    javascripts: {joinTo: 'js/app.js'},
    stylesheets: {joinTo: 'css/app.css'}

  plugins: {
    babel: {
      presets: ['es2015']
    elmBrunch: {
      mainModules: ['app/elm/Main.elm'],
      outputFolder: 'public/js'
    sass: {
      options: {
        includePaths: [

Now let's add a bit of structure to the project:

$ mkdir app/js app/scss app/elm
$ mv app/initialize.js app/js/
$ echo '@import "bootstrap";' > app/scss/application.scss

And edit index.html to change the files to include:

  <title>Brunch with ES6</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css" charset="utf-8">
  <div id="elm-main"></div>

  <script src="js/main.js"></script>
  <script src="js/app.js"></script>

Now we need to initialize our Elm application with:

// app/js/initialize.js
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
  const elmNode = document.getElementById('elm-main')

and start with a basic Elm application:

-- app/elm/Main.elm
module Main exposing (main)

import Html exposing (div, h1, text)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class)

main =
    div [ class "jumbotron" ]
        [ h1 []
            [ text "Hello Elm 0.18" ]

and finally we open http://localhost:3333 in a new browser window. We should see our message rendered by Main.elm.


Brunch skeleton for Elm apps using Babel for ES6, Sass for the stylesheets and Bootstrap 4.






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  • HTML 48.0%
  • JavaScript 35.7%
  • Elm 14.9%
  • CSS 1.4%