A dead simple utility to format the output of OpenAI's whisper model (or whisper.cpp) into an .srt file.
whispersub input.txt -o output.srt
you can also pipe the output of whisper.cpp into whispersub
whisper-cpp --file audio.wav --language en --model ggml-medium.en.bin | whispersub
or use a little hellper function to extract the audio from a video, pipe it to whisper.cpp and then to whispersub
makesub () {
filename=$(basename -- "$1")
ffmpeg -i "$1" -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 16000 -ac 2 -f wav - |
nice -n 20 whisper-cpp --threads "$(nproc)" --file - --language en --model "$model" |
whispersub -o "${filename}.en.srt"
makesub video.mp4