1.0.1 (2016-06-20)
Bug Fixes
- app:
- test: Disable getUsername() on travis
- app:
- Force clean repo before releasing a new version
(708b7c69) - Update README.md
(6234d535) - Add log messages
(ae03356d) - Reorder getRemoteRepo in flow
(6772a753) - Use helpers in mcfly-semantic-release
(f4e71628) - Add process.cwd() log
(5839610f) - Test relative packages.json location
(ba87b8a3) - Add assets and results test folders
(ae7a938b) - Execute all unit test
(8e87ce12) - Fix README.md
(491c21c7) - Add NPM_API_KEY to travis
(49d35b2d) - Configure travis
(2fb8f67b) - Update helpers
(67bf42a2) - Rename command line mcfly-semantic-release
(b55dbd48) - Update README.md
(4878b96c) - Initial commit
- Force clean repo before releasing a new version
- test: