Small control-break program to extract PDS members from EIBPTPCH dumps.
Verbose by default, if you only want names (ala zip/unzip) use :
pdsfrag DEVJCL.txt -eJCL | grep extr |tr -s ' '|cut -d ' ' -f3
At this time, all members are extracted, a future switch may allow extraction by name or pattern.
Compile with : gcc -O3 -march=native -opdsfrag pdsfrag.c
Install with : sudo cp pdsfrag /usr/bin
Hercules and TK4- users can do the tailoring of print output in bash :
cat dump.jcl | grep -v ^1 | cut -c2-73 > bulk.jcl && ./pdsfrag bulk.jcl -e jcl
IEBGENER cards that merely slice the file after column 1, a crude conversion of FBA to FB :
RECORD FIELD=(132,2,,1)
Or we can have a default to skip those lines in processing ? (on the to-do list). Probably the Python version which I am saving for a boring afternoon in lockdown...