C-based Active Logic MAchine
git clone https://github.com/mclumd/alma-2.0.git
cd alma-2.0
./alma.x [-r] [-v] [-f file] [-a agent] [-n nesting]
required arguments:
-f file
provides an input file for beginning ALMA KB; may be repeated for multiple input files
optional arguments:
runs automatically until halting when reasoner first idles
runs with verbose output
-a agent
provides the agent name to identify this ALMA instance
-n nesting
sets the maximum depth of nesting for modeling agent beliefs
: Makes one derivation step. Will print Idling...
if there are no remaining tasks which might produce further derivations.
: Prints out the contents of the knowledge base
add <almaformula>.
: Will add a formula to the knowledge base the next time step
is called. Note that the predicate must end in a .
, as in the grammar rules.
obs <literal>.
: Adds a literal with an additional added parameter for the time added.
del <almaformula>.
: Immediately deletes a formula from the knowledge base. Note that the formula must end in a .
update <almaformula>. <almaformula>.
: Replaces an existing formula with another. First formula must already be present, second cannot be present. Neither is allowed to be a fif formula.
bs <literal>.
: Initiates a backward search for the argument literal.
: Stops ALMA
alma : /^/ (<almaformula> | <almacomment>)* /$/
almacomment : /%[^\n]*\n/
almaformula : <sentence> '.'
sentence : <fformula> | <bformula> | <formula>
formula : \"and(\" <formula> ',' <formula> ')' | \"or(\" <formula> ',' <formula> ')'
| \"if(\" <formula> ',' <formula> ')' | \"not(\" <formula> ')' | <literal>
fformula : \"fif(\" <conjform> ',' <fformconc> ')'
fformconc : \"and(\" <fformconc> ',' <fformconc> ')' | <fformula>
| \"not(\" <literal> ')' | <literal>
bformula : \"bif(\" <formula> ',' <formula> ')'
conjform : \"and(\" <conjform> ',' <conjform> ')' | \"not(\" <literal> ')' | <literal>
literal : <predname> '(' <listofterms> ')' | <predname>
listofterms : <term> (',' <term>)*
term : \"quote\" '(' <sentence> ')' | <funcname> '(' <listofterms> ')' | <variable> | <constant>
predname : <prologconst>
constant : <prologconst>
funcname : <prologconst>
variable : '`' <variable>/ | [A-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/
prologconst : /[a-z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/
make clean
Testing is automated with the Python script belief-test.py
. Test script usage is:
python belief_test.py [-h] -b BASE -t TOPIC -d DIR -a AXIOM_COUNT
-b BASE, --base BASE
Base axiom file
-t TOPIC, --topic TOPIC
Topic axiom file specific to test domain (mollusk or car)
-d DIR, --dir DIR
.pl and .txt directory
-a AXIOM_COUNT, --axiom_count AXIOM_COUNT
Base axiom count, summed at the end for analysis
The directory provided should contain a subdirectory almafiles
with .pl files, and a subdirectory expected
with .txt files of expected steady-state beliefs.
Examples to run the car or mollusk test batches:
python belief_test.py -b demo/default/base.pl -t demo/default/car/topic.pl -d demo/default/car/ -a 19
python belief_test.py -b demo/default/base.pl -t demo/default/mollusk/topic.pl -d demo/default/mollusk/ -a 19