Install Openshift Gitops Operator if you to run this demo with ArgoCD Install Advanced Cluster Manager for Kubernetes Operator if you want to run this demo with ACM Install Openshift Pipelines Operator to Manage the pipelines.
This repository contains the configurations for project
As Architecture diagram shows, with ArgoCD or RHACM you can install the tekton pipeline that will be used to build and deploy the application.
In the argocd folder there is a CRD that can be usefull to deploy an ArgoCd Application (needs update)
The container images are stored in :
Quay: mcombi/quarkus-getting-started
Application - Kustomize
The application - my-quarkus-quick-start can be deployed with ArgoCD/ACM as Source referencing the directory quick-start/overlays. In this folder there are the two environments test and uat.
Application - Helm
The application my-quarkus-quick-start can be also be deployed with ArgoCD/ACM as Source using helm. The helm chart is in folder quick-start-app-helm/quick-start-app
Application - ApplicationSet
The application my-quarkus-quick-start can be also be deployed as an ArgoCD ApplicationSet from ACM. The required CRD's are in folder quick-start-app-application-set
The tekton pipeline are in tekton folder, with the standard kustomize directory structure. Tekton pipelines must be created in namespace "demo-tekton-build-env" (NEED TO IMPROVE) and has two versions: classic -> the secret with github token is not encrypted, it is only obfuscated sealed-secrets -> the secret is encrypted and also requires the following steps
Install sealed secrets:
oc apply -f
Install kubeseal in the project where argo will run: This means that you have to generate the project before and you cannot let argo create the project for you unless there is a way to do that (that i don't know at the moment)
sudo wget -O kubeseal
Get Cert from controller (mind the directory where you run this command ) kubeseal --fetch-cert > public-cert.pem
Seal the secret (replace username and token in github-secret-ss): kubeseal --format yaml --cert ../../../public-cert.pem < github-secret-ss.yaml > github-secret-sealed.yaml